Report to:


Audit Committee



29 March 2022



Interim Chief Operating Officer

Title of report:


Internal Audit Strategy and 2022/23 Annual Audit Plan

Purpose of report:


To present the Council’s Internal Audit Strategy and 2022/23 Annual Audit Plan



Members are recommended to:

1.            review and endorse the Council’s Internal Audit Strategy and 2022/23 Annual Audit Plan;

2.            review and endorse the Internal Audit Charter.



1.         Background

1.1       The Council’s Internal Audit Strategy and 2022/23 Annual Audit Plan (Annexe A and Appendix A) sets out how the Council will meet its statutory requirements for internal audit, as defined within the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015.  The plan focusses primarily on core assurance areas (such as all key financial systems), high-priority areas, known key priority projects/programmes, and grant claims, with the remainder of the direct audit days earmarked as emerging risks/contingency.


1.2       A workshop was also held with members of this Committee on 20 January 2022 and comments made have been fed into the planning process.


2.         Supporting Information

2.1       The Strategy and Plan will be delivered in line with proper internal audit practices as set out within the Public Sector Internal Audit Standards (PSIAS). 


2.2       The Internal Audit Charter sets out the scope and responsibility of internal audit. It is attached to this report as Appendix B. 


3.         Conclusions and Reasons for Recommendation

3.1       Members are recommended to review and endorse the Internal Audit Strategy and Plan, and the Internal Audit Charter.





Interim Chief Operating Officer


Contact Officers:        Russell Banks, Orbis Chief Operating Officer, Tel No. 07824 362739

Nigel Chilcott, Audit Manager , Tel No. 07557 541803




Internal Audit Strategy and 2022/23 Annual Audit Plan

Internal Audit Charter